Push-Button Saviour - Donations & Medications

IDM / Downtempo

1. (If I Ever Visit) Baltimore

2. Transientimental

3. The Way Out Is Through

4. Tunnelvision

5. Everything Under The Sun

6. You Take It All

7. Tomorrows

8. Always In Threes

9. Ooh Child (Easier & Brighter Mix)
Author message: 

"Donations And Medications" was recorded during 2002-2004, using a PowerMac 9600 running Peak 2.6 (for sample editing) Reason 2.5 (for sequencing/arrangement) and T-RackS (for 'loudness maximization'). The resulting recordings were made available for streaming via www.pushbuttonsaviour.com and later www.poweredbysound.org (both expired domains) but the songs were never made available for sale nor download. After failed attempts at clearing unlicensed samples used in it's creation, I've decided to make it available for free via Torrentech.org instead of putting it up for sale via the iTunes store.

The songs that make up "Donations And Medications" were written during a turbulent period which involved massive changes taking place all at once: being laid off from a job, a breakup with a girlfriend, and a forced change of residence. The "Push-Button Saviour" (or PBS-9623) was initially a nickname given to the system made up of the aforementioned PowerMac 9600 computer plus the keyboards and controllers which were used to create this music. The PBS-9623 was a configuration of devices which, seemed to - at the push of several buttons - make all symptoms of emotional distress (as well as the ability to perceive the passage of time) vanish into thin air, thus providing a form of temporary 'salvation'.

In a sense, it could be said that the music on "Donations..." was done as a form of therapy, an exercise in capturing recordings that evoked good memories of an era that had come to an end, in place of dwelling on the suffering of changes that were taking place simultaneously. The "Donations" in question are here for whoever chooses to accept them. Hopefully they will serve as "Medications" for those of you who are able to assimilate what messages are carried within the music presented here.

Daniel Salomón
Push-Button Saviour


Push-Button Saviour is making his debut on Torrentech netlabel with some pretty good stuff. Donations & Medications is a downtempo album with no breaks between tracks, and it naturally flows from track to track, in the best Boards Of Canada manner. I'm repeating myself, but how can I even think of not mentioning them when their influence here is definitely huge and confirmed by artist?